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Hello there, and thank you for your interest!
A few things about me:
I am a technology aficionado, vigorous reader, and passionate learner.

And here are some things that I can do (I Insist That You Click Those Buttons):

Freelance Web Development
I like to take on challenging freelance projects. Most of the work that I have done, (at this point), has primarly consisted of web development (Angular being my framework of choice), and Data Visualization (d3js being my primary framework).

Learn New Technologies
Learning new technologies has long been a passion of mine. The major technologies that I follow are Artificial Intelligence, Decentralized Applications (like Blockchain), and Augmented Reality. I like to implement these technologies (to the degree that I can), into solving real world problems.

Build Cool Self Projects
I have a number of exteremly cool projects, (not all of them have left my mind). However, the ones that I have actually put some effort into can be found on my github account.

Read and Write Informative Material
I maintain a blog, and post from time to time. In addition, I frequent sites like quora, reddit, and techcrunch to stay up to date on relevant scientific and technical news.

Other Interests
Philosophy: I have always retained a passion for reading and writing philosophy.
Programming: I've done it for a while, and have no intentions of stoping anytime soon.
Cooking/Being a Foodie: I love the process of creating, and consuming delicious food.
Reading: I like to read when I get the chance. My favorite authors are: Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Emilia Zola, Carl Jung, and Michael Lewis among others.